idalab Seminar
Meet the pioneers at the intersection of AI, Life Science and Healthcare
In our bi-monthly idalab Seminar series, we invite practitioners, entrepreneurs, investors, and researchers to reflect on their work at the intersection of AI, Life Science, and Healthcare.
Talk and Q&A, followed by drinks.
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Artificial intelligence in pharma: between hype, hope, and fear
Louise von Stechow, PhD
Keynote Speaker, Zukunftsinstitut
Consultant, The Healthonauts

Navigating drug development with human multi-omics data and AI
Thore Bürgel, PhD
Co-founder and CEO, Pheiron

Causal AI is transforming the Pharma Business Model
Dr. Marco Schmidt
Chief Scientific Officer,

How Breath Biomarkers Reveal Disease: A Deeptech Founder’s Journey
Dr. Sven Jungmann
Founder & CEO, Halitus

Secure Innovation With Generative AI in Life Science and Healthcare on the Google Cloud Platform
Reuben Honigwachs
Cloud Architect, Google

How (not) to regulate ChatGPT: The Future of the AI Act
Prof. Philipp Hacker, LL.M. (Yale)
Professor for Law and Ethics of the Digital Society, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Challenges for AI-enabled Cancer Diagnostics in Digital Pathology
Dr. Ralf Banisch
Senior Data Scientist, Mindpeak

Leveraging AI for health equity: Why diversity in research is a matter of life and death
Emily Jordan, PhD
Former COO and Co-founder, Ancora.AI

How to unlock valuable personal data for analysis: Shedding light on the byzantine world of privacy-enhancing technology
Lisa Martin
University of Oxford

What makes an algorithm ethical? - Defining and implementing a Quality Criteria Catalogue for Algorithms
Carla Hustedt
Director Centre for Digital Society
Stiftung Mercator GmbH